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12/20 3 secrets of resilient people

” It was awful beyond imagining .” This talk is about our resilience from sorrowful or difficulties studded around our daily life. She had been studying resilience in university and grad school and lost her daughter in a car accident suddenly. The quote above is about the feeling of her at the time she had gotten through and she taught us three tips to overcome these situations.  From this TED talk, there are 3 takeaways of how to get over these grieves and difficulties everywhere in our daily lives. 1. Good resiliences know suffering is part of life. They can switch their mind to sink-and-swim mode which means they know there are sometimes to sink and swim.  They acknowledge those times come sometimes and it's natural. 2. Resilient people are really good at choosing carefully where they select their attention. They manage to focus on the things that they can change, and somehow they accept what they can not.  Try to tune into what's good in your world. 3.  Ask yourself ”Is wha


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