The adventures of Tom Swayer II

 "Tom was thinking. "who'll tell who done it? Us?" What are you talking about? S'pose something happened and Injun Joe didn't hang? Why, if we told, he'd kill us for sure. If anybody tells, let Muff Potter do it, if he's fool enough." Tom said nothing–just went on thinking." (p. 53)

I finished reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The quote is from a scene in which the boys meet at the graveyard and they witness a murder. After that scene, they go through so many things. In the end, good luck will be waiting for them! But, this is the beginning of Huckleberry fin's adventures. Huckleberry Finn is one of the considerable characters in this book too. You can see the personality of Huckleberry Finn as well if you read this book!

I didn't t expect any murders in this book. Not only those experiences but also his love for Becky is one of the factors which let him grow. 

Twain, M. (1876). The adventures of Tom Sawyer. State, OH: Bendon Publishing.

Amazon | The adventures of Tom Sawyer | Twain, Mark, White, Andrea | Action  & Adventure

