The Big Secret of Dealing with People

 "Some of the things most people want include:  1. Health. 2. Food. 3. Sleep. 4. Money and the things money will  buy. 5. Life in the hereafter. 6. Sexual gratification. 7. The well-being of our children. 8. A feeling of importance. (p33)"
     In this section, the writer, Dale Carnegie, featured about A feeling of importance especially. There is one example of the feeling. Even George Washington wanted to be called "His Mightiness, the President of the United States"; and Columbus pleaded for the title "Admirable of the Ocean and Viceroy of India." Then thinking about how to handle people, it's important to make the other person want to do it. And as the way for it, it's important to give them what they want. Because of the lack of the feeling of importance, there are sometimes people who became invalids in order to win sympathy and attention, and get a feeling of importance. If it were the old me before I read this book, I thought these people were weak and childish. However, even like George Washington actually wanted it. I don't know he had childish side or not but I thought everybody always look for the way filling them mind with the feeling of importance. I also thought it seems like wanting to be the center of attention some times but those action for make the feeling of importance could be the motivation to improve something. 
     Image result for how to win friends and influence peopleCarnegie, D. (1936). How to win friends & influence people. U.S.A. NY.


