Different World

"In my world there are no birds singing. There are no noisy men working on the roads. No people leaving bars late at night shouting at each other. No babies crying."

     This is a story there is a women who is deaf and in love with Jim who can hear. There are some ploblems between Sam and Jim because of her handicap.  And his former girlfriend who still love him said to Sam that Sam is not worth for him. But as they got through this exeperience, their connection got storonger and they got to be happy.  And there are music between them, this is things which is different for them because she can't hear, he can hear. Music is one of the biggest key of this story.
     This book was written by Margaret Jhonson(2003). This is level 2 of the seriese of Cambridge. This is littele log but easy to read.
different worlds cambridge に対する画像結果


  1. I have read this book too.
    I like this story!

  2. I had read this book too.
    I was so moved and I was about to cry.


